Woodland Owners Conference
Glacierland hosts the annual Northeast Wisconsin Woodland Owner’s Conference to provide information on multiple-use forest management to woodland owners. The conference draws over 100 participants each year. Woodland owners gather to learn about current regulatory and forest health issues as well as multiple-use management strategies.

Emerald Ash Borer
Glacierland will partner with Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) and the Urban Wood Network on a Landscape Scale Restoration grant application to mitigate the impact of EAB and restore resilience to coastal forested landscapes in northeastern Wisconsin.
This project will leverage efforts by LNRP on municipal, county and state lands in Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties to remove dying and dead ash trees, and to conduct replanting and site restoration activities. The project will bring these efforts together with those of the Urban Wood Network to exemplify the "trees first, wood next" movement in Wisconsin.
Restoration site landowners will engage in EAB recovery planning that encompasses urban wood utilization policy and practices to ensure that the removed trees are used to their highest potential. Glacierland will work with partners to promote planning that accounts for climate change, ensuring resilient forest landscapes in the future.

Aquatic Invasive Species Mapping, Education, Control & Prevention
​With support from the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, Glacierland is conducting a county-wide aquatic invasive species outreach programs in Manitowoc county. The program coordinator educates municipal staff, lake associations, boaters and the general public on AIS issues as well as monitoring populations.
Glacierland partnered with Ozaukee County Land & Water Dept. to map the presence of phragmites and Japanese knotweed across the county. The mapping provided the basis for efforts to control non-native Phragmites on private and public lands and Japanese knotweed control in road right of ways across the county. This work will help maintain the integrity of the water resources in Ozaukee County by preventing the spread of these invasive species, and is an expansion of control efforts in adjacent counties. You can watch a webinar explaining the project as well as highlights of the grazing technical assistance being provided in Ozaukee County.
An additional partnership with Fond du Lac County will continue our work to control phragmites in the county. Glacierland RC&D is working with Fond du Lac County to map the presences of Japanese knotweed, phragmites, and teasel. Data collected is being used as the basis for an AIS control for a large scale population management program.

Clean Boats, Clean Waters
A Clean Boats, Clean Water program is conducted by Glacierland’s boat inspectors and volunteers each boating season.

USFS Tribal Assistance
Glacierland was contracted to administer technical assistance to the Santa Clara Pueblos in New Mexico. Several forestry plans are being put together.